Hinges Manufacturers in Japan
Japan is a very advanced manufacturing country, they are perfect for the product, very strict requirements for details. Similarly, the field of hinge production also has this requirement.
Japan has a large number of industrial hinge manufacturers, here I list a representative list of the top 10 hinge production. If you are looking to source industrial hinges on a global read, then the Japanese market will be worth appearing on your shopping list.
Dongguan Ihinges LLC
- Location: Dongguan
- Company type: manufacturing, wholesale
- Year founded: 1991
- The number of employees: 52
- Main product: industrial hinges
- Other products: heavy-duty hinges, butt hinges, concealed hinges, detachable hinges, cold storage room hinges

However you interpret it, I would include IHINGES in the list of top 10 Japanese hinge manufacturers because this hinge manufacturer is worthy of our attention and IHINGES exports many of its hinges to Japan.
Although IHINGES is not a Japanese brand, if you want to purchase industrial hinge related products in the global market, I would recommend you to give priority to IHINGES, their products and services are worthy of recommendation.
- Location: Osaka, japan
- Company type: wholesale
- Year founded: 1977
- The number of employees: unknown
- Main product: hinges
- Other products: Construction, shipbuilding, machinery

Founded in 1977, Kenwa is one of the leading global integrated trading and distribution companies in Japan. They have built a good market network worldwide by focusing on providing high-quality products and customer service.
They have offices, sales, and distribution bases in over 50 countries worldwide. The business covers a wide range of industries, such as construction, shipbuilding, machinery and automobile manufacturing, and environmental protection.
- Location: Ibaraki, japan
- Company type: manufacturing, wholesale
- Year founded: 1948
- The number of employees: unknown
- Main product: hinges
- Other products: architectural hardware, bathroom accessories

KURIKI is a manufacturer specializing in architectural hardware and bathroom accessories. Their main products are sliding doors for toilets and bathrooms, lever-type receivers, especially for bathrooms, which are their strengths.
They have the largest market share in the bathroom fittings segment and the company has been supplying these hardware for highly humid environments. Their factory is set up in China so that they can ensure the quality of their products and at the same time have a pretty good price.
- Location: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
- Company type: manufacturing, wholesale
- Year founded: 1910
- The number of employees: 441
- Main product: industrial hinges
- Other products: Handles, Pulls, Knobs, Fasteners, Latches, Catches, Locks

It is a hardware manufacturer headquartered in Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, established in 1910, and has been a century-old company since.
They are a comprehensive manufacturer of industrial parts with about 8,000 products and are one of the largest manufacturers in Japan, providing quality products and services to their customers through reliable technology and innovative production capabilities.
- Location: Dongguan
- Company type: manufacturing, wholesale
- Year founded: 1946
- The number of employees: unknown
- Main product: Architectural Hinges
- Other products: Architectural Hinges

It was established in 1946, is a professional hinge manufacturer. They mainly supply TTS hinges, which are designed and manufactured in Japan, to architects and building enthusiasts all over the world.
They have established their own manufacturing system to meet any of their customers’ needs.
- Location: Osaka, japan
- Company type: manufacturing, wholesale
- Year founded: 1935
- The number of employees: unknown
- Main product: hinges
- Other products: concealed hinges

Founded in 1935, NISHIMURA has been manufacturing hinges for more than 70 years and now has more than 60% of the domestic market share in the production of hinges for residential doors.
This is to be attributed to their prompt awareness of customer needs and the use of their extensive development and production capabilities to meet those needs.
Not only do they produce hinges, but they also develop their own production facilities, and by producing their own manufacturing technology and maintaining a consistent production system within the company, they have made it possible to achieve mass production of high-quality, durable hinge products.
- Location: Tokyo
- Company type: manufacturing, wholesale
- Year founded: 1949
- The number of employees: 240
- Main product: industrial hinges
- Other products: Construction Machinery, Bus and Special Vehicles, Railroad Equipment

TOCHIGIYAD was established in 1937, and they have been engaged in manufacturing services since their inception, and their products mainly include construction machinery, telecommunication equipment, and transportation equipment.
Their products are manufactured locally in Japan, ensuring quality assurance and durability for all their products. They have been in close communication with their customers and are constantly adjusting their product strategy to meet the changing needs of their customers.
To this end, they also established a subsidiary in 2014 to launch the housing equipment specialty brand LILIEL
Nitto Kohki
- Location: Tokyo
- Company type: manufacturing, wholesale
- Year founded: 1956
- The number of employees: 1023
- Main product: industrial hinges
- Other products: Quick Connect Couplings, Power & Machine Tools, Electric Screwdrivers

Perustamisestaan lähtien NITTO KOHKI on pyrkinyt kehittämään ainutlaatuisia tuotteita asiakkaidensa tarpeisiin keskittymällä energiaa ja työvoimaa säästäviin teknologioihin.
Yli puolen vuosisadan ajan ne ovat palvelleet asiakkaita kaikkialla maailmassa autojen, junien, laivojen ja lentokoneiden valmistuksesta lääketieteellisiin ja asuinympäristöihin.
Ne keskittyvät erilaisiin teknologioihin, kuten nestetekniikkaan, materiaalitekniikkaan ja konetekniikkaan.
- Location: Tokyo
- Company type: manufacturing, wholesale
- Year founded: 1963
- The number of employees: 11842
- Main product: Automaatiolaitteiden osat
- Other products: Muottien valmistus

It perustettiin vuonna 1963, ja sillä on tällä hetkellä kaksi päätoimialaa, tehdasautomaatiolaitteiden komponentit ja valetut komponentit.
Heidän erikoisalaansa on osien standardointi, mikä on antanut heidän liiketoiminnalleen valtavan sysäyksen, sillä asiakkaiden tarvitsee vain määrittää osien numerot ja koot tilatakseen tuotteita verkkoluettelon ja paperiluettelon kautta.
Tarkkuusmekaanisten osien standardoinnilla ja niiden luetteloinnilla luetteloihin on voitu poistaa huomattavasti tehottomuutta osien hankinnassa.
- Location: Tokyo
- Company type: manufacturing, wholesale
- Year founded: 1974
- The number of employees: 1433
- Main product: industrial hinges
- Other products: Construction Hardware

It was established in 1974, and they mainly deal with the production of hotel interior furniture hardware and medical facility equipment, etc.
Their characteristic is that all business processes are based on customer needs and they are committed to providing unparalleled products through information sharing with customers. Since they perform all processes completely in-house, they are able to maintain the same level of communication from the initial concept to the finished product.
They are also committed to improving their ability to quickly introduce improvements and new features into their products for the benefit of their customers by maintaining a lean operating attitude.